Text may refer to:
- Text & Talk (formerly Text), an academic journal
- Text (literary theory), any object that can be "read"
- Textbook, a book of instruction in any branch of study
- Religious text, a writing that a religious tradition considers to be sacred
- Writing, communication that represents language through the inscription of signs and symbols
Face Purple Pink Violet Facial expression Mammal Text Vertebrate Nose
I can't drwaw right now XD
Face Pink Purple Facial expression Mammal Violet Nose Vertebrate Text
~I don't want it, I NEED IT~Kedamono (For Kedamono =3
Black Text Font Fictional character Logo Product Graphics Graphic design
why did you do this to me
White Text Mammal Nose Black and white Vertebrate
Predictions, markets, flowers, caves, skulls. So deep.
Text Art Graphic design Font Graphics Neon Computer wallpaper Logo Fun
Colab with Riff, Morbid Mumbles, & Gibbermagash
Text Font Brand Line