A snowman is an anthropomorphic snow sculpture often built by children in regions with sufficient snowfall. In North America, typical snowmen consist of three large snowballs of different sizes with some additional accoutrements for facial and other features. Common accessories include branches for arms and a rudimentary smiley face, with a carrot standing in for a nose. Human clothing, such as a hat or scarf, may be included. Low-cost and availability are the common issues, since snowmen are usually abandoned to the elements once completed.


Snowman Girl Winter

Molly wanted a drawing of her. Since I do not draw faces well, and all my people look like...

Christmas Candy cane Snowman Murder

Well, I haven't drawn my lady in a while (btw I need a name for her lol, something classy yet...

Snow Yeti Snowman Santa Demon 2014

Wonderful laboratory coat liar! Lazarus <3 Whoever else helped... :D

Reindeer Snowman Santa Bunnies

"Be a good kid! Santa is watching!" I drew many things for this challenge too xD Still in...

"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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