

Drawn by Luna Sea.


Timor mortis conturbat me

© 2014 Luna Sea. Licensed under CC-BY.

i not told u tht u should more not draw dark things and i voted up most of urs draws where were womans with black color of lips (i not very liked them , but its ok) , even that color of lips (good girls not use that color for lips and in ukraine for sure), i voted up them and nothing wrote agnaist that , but there and this mouth, its mouth of not just something dark that drawing of ppl which agnaist god even i not believe in god i never will draw such mouth. —  Vomika
@Luna Sea, I like it, especially the eyes. This reminds me of some sort of oppression a woman is going through, as demonstrated by the stitches on the lips. Perhaps oppression from society. In drawing, idealism is too far from realism. I'll go for the latter, too. Keep up the great work. :) —  Y_C_
@Y_C_ thanks! —  Luna Sea
"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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