Nature : У лісі (In the forest)

Nature : У лісі (In the forest)

Drawn by Vomika. Part of the album Nature.

  1. Це Смола у центрі. (it's a Resin at the center.)
  2. Внизу це мурахи , вони несуть листя. (Below is the ants, they carry leaves.)

Small comment : With mouse and hardly and interesting And big wish to all in new 2014 : That ours all dreams and wishes always will be equal to ours possibilities to get them (hope ppl will get my eng) drawn with only mouse.

© 2014 Vomika. All rights reserved.

Forest Firebug Tree Resin Ants Nature Ліс Солдатик

"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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