

Drawn by Vomika. Part of the album Nature.


Peace (Green Peace is such orgz in which i will always believe more than in all other) they working in name Nature and Nature it we all , not need believe in what already existe all what need it try respect all alive natural creations. Not kill for enjoy , remember every animal too have themself familly and it can be and mom and dad. About draw small phrase , in world not existe more powerful type of love as it can be love mother to her kid , any other type of love cant to be so strong and to death as it can be between mother and kid. Green Peace world greens organization forever ! no smoke , no drink , no fast food

Good day to all us ! and glory to great chaos power on name Nature !

© 2013 Vomika. All rights reserved.


Good job, I like the intricacy! —  magicalhobo
confusing....but interesting :) —  sweetrox
Lovely, Dim ^^ —  Aya Mulder
Successful (Y) —  thepoweroflov3
@thepoweroflov3 Agree even i drew it 4 days : ) —  Vomika
"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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