Lachryma-Inamorata (Brighter Version)

Lachryma-Inamorata (Brighter Version)

Drawn by Chris for the art passion challenge.


I'm putting together a portfolio now, and fixing up a few drawings such as this one.

Here is the dim old version:

© 2013 Chris. Licensed under CC-BY.

Hand Heart

÷) cool! O.o it was a hand? —  nightstar
I liked the older version :( —  Jini
waaaaoh......such a lovely art... :D —  SaycheeseO_O
very cool draw!!!!! —  Cami Brown
I simply love this drawing! —  DontSpeakSilent
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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