forest doodle~

forest doodle~

Imported from Sketchfu by Chewseh.


A drawing converted from Sketchfu where I am known as ChewSlayor. Thank you Hobo for making this possible!

Another forest doodle! Enjoy!

© 2014 Chewseh. Licensed under CC-BY.

Orange Red Yellow Forest Sunlight

So glad Hobo made this possible too. I'd missed this one. Lovely! —  Miss A.
This is so magical. —  Jini
*o* —  Riff
This was really nice =) I am glad to see that someone from sketchfu is here too =) —  evamaritha
i haqte this —  someguyinhouse
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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