If you'll be my star I'll be your sky
Drawn by Silenhalle. Part of the album wouldya lookit that.
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Lazarus, magicalhobo, Ichiban Yada, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Kube, Nikko, Liar, pacer, LittleFawn, uneekL4evr, Lunar Eclipse, Riff, Luna Sea, Erythrocyte ., Agneta Juodenaite, Rebeccajj, Zakeena, Zippy the Wonderslug, Carlos, Katykinzz, User1401, and drawcula.
This is very lovely 😍😍👍
Awesome, I really love your skies and landscapes. They remind me of a book from my childhood, but I cannot remember which one. Makes me feel so nostalgic. <3
Luna Sea
@Luna Sea thank you! (btw, if you ever remember the title to that book, let me know!)
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