The real Zakeena

The real Zakeena

Drawn by Zakeena for the Original Characters (OCs) challenge.


This is my Oc called Zakeena. she's a small thing with a HUGE temper. BEWARE.

© 2014 Zakeena. Licensed under CC-BY.

Oc Challenge Zakeena Elf

Pretty. :) —  Luna Sea
@Luna Sea @Silva thank you! you've got to try the fill mode :) —  Zakeena
@Zakeena Will you tell me how to use it, please? I am unsure how.. —  Luna Sea
@Luna Sea I would really love to show you how... but I don't know how to. The sketchport videos are the only thing I can tell you to watch. I really only scribble around. you have to test on your own. :/ —  Zakeena
I will, thanks! :) —  Luna Sea
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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