First time in my life drawing like this xD When I saw my baby chicks photo after I finished, I was like :s cause it doesn't look like :'( Silly brain can't remember the details well ._.
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Gildor Elendil, Zakeena, xLitchi, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Lazarus, Ray Mortamour, lovehamburgers, Chihihihiro, Agneta Juodenaite, Lee Tjung, Krissie, Sonny Mulder, Seraphiic, Cami Brown, Primmie, Lunar Eclipse, -----, Jini, Ana, magicalhobo, LittleFawn, Paige, Zippy the Wonderslug, thewalkingdude, Chris, Joe HF, Papachan, and Mouldy Sponge.
tweet tweet :> it's so cute!
Wow, really good work on the feather texture. I don't think I've seen anything like that here before. So fluffy.
@Paige thank u xD
Aya Mulder
@magicalhobo Cause i play with my chicks after work everyday so i remember (a bit) how their feathers are xD i hate the beak >< I'm going to draw my baby goose later when im in fluffy draw mood again xD Its beak is easier to draw.
Aya Mulder
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