For the art of sushi challenge. The taste is common (Avocado on top, nuts inside), but now you can live in it!
Tried a style with non-saturated colors and no lines. Means of perspective are used to provide the experience of an inhabitant but used incomplete (e. g. not much color perspective) - aiming for an pattern-filled area rather than for illusion of space.
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MR, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Papachan, xLitchi, Cvetina, sweetrox, Agneta Juodenaite, Kanani , Primmie, ii_panduhz, Cami Brown, Ruth Lesslie, magicalhobo, Enigma, LittleFawn, Sonny Mulder, Krissie, Aya Mulder, Seraphiic, Kassy, Jini, Joe HF, Ashtray, JJ JJ, Ray Mortamour, Jakub, Nikko, and Elissa Matisse.
This is awesome Lunar! You're always so creative :D
Especially the bush is cool! And the path to the stairs.
@Jini @Krissie thank you :D And its just ginger and a tablecloth...
Lunar Eclipse
This is freaking AWESOME!!! ^_^
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