#RobloxAccount #HereIsMyAccount #RobloxRelated
This is just my roblox account.... Lol, I did this for fun since i'm bored and didn't know what...
This is most people when they find ships (I don't mean like boats and ships... I mean like...
#TotallyEdgy #Oc #INeedAnotherName
Totally "Edgy" Oc Alert! Here is the final product of my different version of my last drawing or...
#NewOc #CloseUp #INeedNamesForHer
This is a close-up to my new oc, but not my most favorite... She's my second favorite by the...
This is the continued version of the last part of my made-up story as you can tell! So let's now...
hehe, I actually want to test something out.... So that is the reason why I made this.... Hehe...
This is what I do during online class/online school but with my oc instead of me irl! Hehe,...
#BodyPoseExample #NotFinished #BodyPoseAttempt
This is just a body pose example, so this isn't the finished project obviously!
#DeadMeme #HelloDarknessMyOldFriend #Depressed?
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend.. I've come back to talk with you again.... Because vision softly...
(Don't mind their sizes please.) This is a fake and made-up Story, so you can tell it didn't...
#Cri/Cry #IDon'tKnowWhatElseToAdd
She cri,She sad, but most importantly......... She wanna.... D i e- (This is what I decided to...
#Didn'tHaveEnoughSpace- #HeWasSupposedToBeProtectingSomeone #E
I didn't have enough room for him to protect someone- The description I wanted to put if I could...
Hi everyone! This is the finished version of my other drawing! To be honest, I thought this was...
Eggdog and Eggcat...? Enemies or Friends?
Bad drawing of teh eggdog and eggcat meme-like characters... Are they friends or enemies..?...