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From Azzah Abdurrahman it's midnight! and for the Silhouette Saturday challenge Hope they don't...

YAY! Art of sushi challenge another drawing I'm proud of

Will daddy ever return to mommy and her kids? Will mommy look for daddy? Will the eggs be safe?... these colors shows... title explains it... not very positive on the results...

I was trying to sketch out this bunny: But everything went wrong and i...

I remember you saying that you like looking for a certain thing when you go scubbadivinig...Hope...

my first serious attempt at drawing....has failed...

/l (゚、 。 7 l、 ~ヽ じしf_, )ノ My lack of art skills are amazing, isn't it?

Anyone willing to give some hugs? Pweeeeease? Don't be meeeean ;n;

HEY @Aya Mulder I found something if you rotate it....imagine what things you can see if you...

uhhhhhh....i got nothing....just more childish art...

yay more DMT style art since...i can't make any other kind of art...

hoooooray for lack of imagination and originality...

Moooooore pokemon stuff with a yu-gi-oh monster thrown with it.

I stand. I see nothing. Nobody is around me. Shouldn't it be like this? Should I search for...

sometimes i don't even have one.

The new idea i chose at random was "The adventures of..." Soooo...this creature popped out of my...

done this so far....not sure how much she'll like the final product u.u

I think this one speaks for itself. Goodnight everyone.

Thank you. You saved my life. But who are you? (I think I'm getting used to the blur tool).

To be honest. I have no Idea What I've done.

"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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