A doodle is a drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes.

Typical examples of doodling are found in school notebooks, often in the margins, drawn by students daydreaming or losing interest during class. Other common examples of doodling are produced during long telephone conversations if a pen and paper are available.

Popular kinds of doodles include cartoon versions of teachers or companions in a school, famous TV or comic characters, invented fictional beings, landscapes, geometric shapes, patterns and textures.


Pokemon Furret Sketch Doodle

I've been drawing Jacques lately, and then tagging him with "Pokémon" when no one can really...

Doodle Gas mask Anime boy

doodling.. this is my Blog's mascot, his name is "Ganteng" its mean "Handsome" in English. Enjoy~


Testin' this site out! It's pretty cool, need to get used to it :>

Owl Bird Drawing Doodle

I'm using my old total shit tablet so excuse any mistakes lmao I just kinda wanted to draw...

Sky Sunset Window Doodle

I don't know what is this,,, When I saw the result it's kinda look like scenery from hospital...

Doodle Hospital

It's been 5 days since she started sleeping after the surgery.

Doodle Random

Bleh, this gave me a headache. I'll add more stuff maybe one day.

Doodle Cat Fursona

gah i haven't drawn here in quite a long time! oAo'' i gotta get re-used to the canvas now ^^''

Jrock Oc Anime Doodle

ya messed w/ da wrong girly dude my jrock oc~~~~~~~~~~

"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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