Yo Gabba Gabba! is a live-action/puppet educational, musical children's television series starring five costumed toys come-to-life and their friend DJ Lance Rock. It debuted on Nickelodeon on August 20, 2007, and originally aired its series finale on November 12, 2015. A single topic is addressed in each episode, "Adventure," "Friends," and "Dance," through songs and short storylines in the half-hour program. Additionally, the show teaches children life and social skills, such as sharing and trying different foods. It also encourages viewers to move along with and dance with the characters in the program. The show is noted for its indie-culture guest stars and bands, and for drawing visual inspiration from 8-bit video games and H.R. Pufnstuf, among other television shows. Created by Christian Jacobs (lead singer of the Aquabats) and Scott Schultz, the show's learning process has parents, older siblings, and younger children watch the show together rather than letting it act as a babysitter. The television program has spawned a touring live stage show, several toys, and branded clothing. Trademarks relating to Yo Gabba Gabba! and its characters are held by GabbaCaDabra, LLC., in partnership with The Magic Store, Nickelodeon and WildBrain.


"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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