Took about two hours, it really shouldn't have taken that long. :P it looked a lot better in my head. Oh well, I'm mostly satisfied with it. :3
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~moneywithptc~, Aaron Lathon, Papachan, Joe HF, Luna Sea, OfC, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Ruth Lesslie, Lunar Eclipse, ChelC, xLitchi, Zakeena, uneekL4evr, Ichiban Yada, Mouldy Sponge, magicalhobo, Zippy the Wonderslug, Erythrocyte ., Nikko, Anubis, and LittleFawn.
The only animal without a brain. I also find them to be quite terrifying. :D
Zippy the Wonderslug
@Zippy the Wonderslug that's a neat fact! But they're so cuuute :3 :o
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