»The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formless: If it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it nor the wise make plans against it.« (Sun Tzu) The chimney does not decrease the power of pollution - it was invented to make it more formless, and hence more powerful. This power does hit.
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آدم, Papachan, Agent-Bunny-Boy, xLitchi, -----, Cami Brown, Zippy the Wonderslug, Keemo Nolen, Zweby, meek, Agneta Juodenaite, Seraphiic, Unbreakable Wings, Ana, Aya Mulder, magicalhobo, LittleFawn, Joe HF, ch1ris23, Ray Mortamour, Jakub, Nikko, and Elissa Matisse.
Ah, that quote :) I wonder if anyone else first encountered it in relation to the Hunter Seeker Project?
Joe HF
I think, it is a real quote from Sun Tzu - learned about it through this amazingly great game though :) I'm enchanted to know you played it well too.
Lunar Eclipse
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