Took way longer than it should have because I kept trying to fix the face. Drawn for this challenge on Reddit.
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Enigma, Agent-Bunny-Boy, kaitlyn, Kanani , Lilyfield, Zippy the Wonderslug, Silenhalle, Krissie, Carlos, Papachan, LittleFawn, sweetrox, Lunar Eclipse, Half fizz, MUMON, Crevasse, Hababoon, Stupiee, Jini, Zakeena, xLitchi, -----, Joe HF, Chihihihiro, Ana, Luna Sea, Yobonbon, Aya Mulder, Kassy, uneekL4evr, ch1ris23, Rebeccajj, Schurke Corgi, Nikko, and Jakub.
it's a "Oops I fell again!" or is the liberty peeing? :D
The liberty doesn't pee, she's a proper lady. She's crouching, to light the NSA on fire.
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