

Drawn by OfC using SketchPort for Android.


Hey you! Do you want to know a secret? Promise not to tell? Come closer, let me whisper in your ear....You are beautiful. You are not made of those words that hurt you, or that number on the scale. Or the expectations you feel you will never meet. You are made up of nothing more than you. Simple, beautifully, wonderfully, uniquely you. You are a lovely and complex soul. An individually fascinating combination of thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions. No other is as beautiful as you. Look past the mirror. Look past the gossip. Look at your soul. Only then will you see yourself as you truly are. Beautiful. So smile! And don't forget to love yourself. <3

© 2014 OfC. Licensed under CC-BY.

Цікаво , схоже на віршик : ) —  Vomika
"We long to be here for a purpose, even though, despite much self-deception, none is evident."
Carl Sagan
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