I became blinded by the reality of everything thinking about the future. The way I saw us and the way you saw us were two different things. I thought you felt different and you never really knew how highly I thought of you even though nothing I thought was true. I didn't actually see the person you were and maybe that's the reason why I got so hurt.
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~moneywithptc~, Erythrocyte ., Agent-Bunny-Boy, Luna Sea, magicalhobo, آدم, Ichiban Yada, Innocent Sylph, Papachan, OfC, Jakub, Lizzy, Im IPOD 5, gearstrop, LittleFawn, Broly Supersayian, نصر ناصر, Utchn 123, and Zakeena.
It's the pome berries
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