Anyone who plays Swapples ought to recognize her x) Despite being taught how to draw hair better, that's still the one thing I can improve upon. But she was happy with it, so that makes me happy, too :)
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idk, Nikko, Kube, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Liar, Ichiban Yada, Mouldy Sponge, Erythrocyte ., uneekL4evr, soni ♪♫, Riff, Luna Sea, Crevasse, Moneey., Voivodian, Zakeena, Joe HF, xLitchi, Lazarus, Ruth Lesslie, OfC, and Zippy the Wonderslug.
Kev :D
angee <3
^_^ @Moneey. @Lel
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