teach your kids

teach your kids

Drawn by LittleFawn.

© 2013 LittleFawn. Licensed under CC-BY.

i love it :D —  Aya Mulder
Yay :D Languages enable contact with people from other cultures, and they provide your own brain a bigger variety of patterns to think in. —  Lunar Eclipse
Is this for the Freelancer thingy? —  Jini
n Russian lang too even im ukranian n patriot of my country n ukr lang which not same to Russian i Glad to know very nice them both , so many nicee kids songs films n poems about diffrents topics wrote on russian from Soviet Union time, that what americans just cant imagine themself thinking that rus boring , nope its Great lang :D —  Vomika
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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