Walk in the Park

Walk in the Park

Drawn by uneekL4evr. Part of the album uneek's landscapes.


Drawing of a picture I took in a park near my house. Enjoy :3

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© 2014 uneekL4evr. Licensed under CC-BY.

Black and White Monochrome Landscape Tree Grass Park

WOOAHHHHHH o.o :D that's AMAZIN!!!! —  Annie Tipton
WOOAHHHHHH o.o :D that's AMAZIN!!!! —  Annie Tipton
WOOAHHHHHH o.o :D that's AMAZIN!!!! —  Annie Tipton
WOOAHHHHHH o.o :D that's AMAZIN!!!! —  Annie Tipton
Aah —  Papachan
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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