Color cat

Color cat

Drawn by Ashtray.


And she sat still, with annoyance across her whiskers, hissing in her head.

© 2013 Ashtray. Licensed under CC-BY.

Real cute! I like it! Btw it is possible two people having the same idea. —  Flora Finn
Awesome :D —  Maricy
Poor cat xd lol cute ashtray. :3 —  nightstar
This is adorable :D —  Jini
@Maricy @Jini @nightstar (this reply is incredibly late, I apologize! I didn't see them before D:) Shucks, thank you guys! =D I —  Ashtray
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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