Robin Williams

Robin Williams

Drawn by magicalhobo for the Robin Williams challenge. Part of the album Portraits.


I'm sorry he looks so constipated and unhappy.

© 2014 magicalhobo. Licensed under CC-BY.

Sean, can you please tell me exactly what tools or alpha number you used for the shading here? —  Luna Sea
He looks so constipated , haha —  -----
Haha I know @The Dude. I think that's how he would like to be remembered. —  magicalhobo
@Luna Sea Sure! I started out with 100% black and white. Then I switched to 50%, using the color sampler to get new shades. Then I switched to 20% and started to be looser with the strokes. I used layer blur a lot at the beginning, to see if I was getting the values right without worrying about detail. —  magicalhobo
Thanks! @magicalhobo —  Luna Sea
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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