BooneBum: I'm a Crazy Weirdo

BooneBum: I'm a Crazy Weirdo

Drawn by Papachan for the Yourself challenge.


I'm a crazy weirdo and I'm calling you I've really got nothing better to do I dialed up the number And I let the phone ring And two minutes later i'll be doing it again You might think that I'm moving along But you would be wrong I got no life at all And so i'll continue to call I'm a crazy and weirdo I'm calling you. This is not you, but you can still upvote

© 2014 Papachan. Licensed under CC-BY.


that's so true. haha —  Zakeena
Yay the song —  xLitchi
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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