Best of Sketchport Comix Season 1 Episode 2

Best of Sketchport Comix Season 1 Episode 2

Drawn by Papachan. Part of the album Sketchport Comix Season 1.


There another 5 pictures from the comix!

Here are the episodes!
Episode 2: A Qi? (Picture 3)
Episode 8: Luna Sea (Picture 2)
Episode 11: SixStringFVR (Picture 2)
Episode 13: Litchi's Gum (Picture 1)
Episode 20: Dream (Picture 3)
I will do more soon...

© 2014 Papachan. Licensed under CC-BY.

Sketchport Comix Best Of

Why is my name in the description but I am not in the comic? —  Luna Sea
lol, your old name is Luna Sea, it can't be changed because of the word draw —  Papachan
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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