It is supposed to be a Violet-Backed Starling. Yep, I googled purple bird lol. The legs are weird but that's the best I could get them. blehh
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Lazarus, xLitchi, Ichiban Yada, Luna Sea, Kube, Jakub, Erythrocyte ., Silenhalle, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Riff, Anubis, Mouldy Sponge, Stupiee, Liar, Zakeena, Papachan, Joe HF, magicalhobo, Ruth Lesslie, LittleFawn, Nikko, -----, Seraphiic, event-horizon, ~moneywithptc~, and Rebeccajj.
Ichiban Yada
I like this! Very realistic.
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