According to the Independent today, a "Geometric storm" may cause the aurorae to be visible over Britain later tonight.
I thought that was a pretty funny typo (it should be "Geomagnetic"), so I had a quick go at drawing it. XD
Edit: it looks like they corrected the story, now, but it was still a nice little laugh.
Typo Pun Geometric Geomagnetic Storm Storm Aurora Space Earth
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Zippy the Wonderslug, Papachan, Kassy, Shelly ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ , Rebeccajj, Y_C_, Zakeena, Ana, xLitchi, Luna Sea, Crevasse, sweetrox, magicalhobo, Chihihihiro, Lunar Eclipse, Aya Mulder, ch1ris23, Hababoon, Nikko, and Kube.
#whatyoudidthereIseeit :D
Yay, its raining octagons and triangles! :D
Lunar Eclipse
Is that a septendecillionhexagon coming at my city? Omygosh! I'm so doomed!
Zippy the Wonderslug
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