Helicopter test

Helicopter test

Drawn by Voivodian.


Trying something out. Dont like the end result. I need more practice.

© 2014 Voivodian. Licensed under CC-BY.

I Like it : ) —  Vomika
Nice and coooool look likes —  Vomika
Yes need some end it but look likes nice —  Vomika
I wish to you Good luck and same mood for end it so that u will very like result and colors also right chosen , but i want suggest if u allowe me maybe need add Green there for navy Helicopter in latest draws... i just suggest. —  Vomika
Nice, helicopters without tail rotors are interesting. Apparently it reduces the responsiveness though. —  magicalhobo
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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