Sketchport Comix Season 2: Episode 23 Crevasse

Sketchport Comix Season 2: Episode 23 Crevasse

Drawn by Papachan for the draw the best potato challenge. Part of the album Sketchport Comix Season 2.


Sorry, For a long wait!
Potato and Crevasse XD

© 2014 Papachan. Licensed under CC-BY.

Sketchport Comix Season 2 xLitchi Mouldy Sponge Potato Crevasse

i dont care if it is a long wait :) —  Brotato
@thebrotato, its ok Sometimes everyone do :) —  Papachan
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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