Female Warrior

Female Warrior

Drawn by Lazarus.

© 2015 Lazarus. Licensed under CC-BY.

or just another abused housewife. —  Riff
@The Riffster No >:( —  Lazarus
did i offend you? it's just the cloth's color, that wasn't making me think of an armor but of a simple wool jacket or sweater. and i do think that abused women are like home warriors. —  Riff
@The Riffster I'm not offended XD. It isn't supposed to be metal armor. But dyed leather armor. Though the shoulders should probably stock out straighter i guess. —  Lazarus
i agree for shoulders. and some shinyness on the metal would be nice, also you could add some rivets or straps and buckle. always in your minimalist manner, of course. —  Riff
"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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