It is what it is.

It is what it is.

Drawn by Lunar Eclipse for the What is this? challenge.


(This is inspired by Zakena's »What is this?« challenge. But she didnt use eraser making it too hard to fill her circles properly. So I changed those circles.)

© 2014 Lunar Eclipse. All rights reserved.


Great work! :D <3 —  OfC
This is really cool! Great job! :D —  Zippy the Wonderslug
Thank you very much :) @Zakeena @xLitchi @OfC @Zippy the Wonderslug - @ChelC never heard of that show before, had to do investigate.. —  Lunar Eclipse
nice shapes —  Papachan
Ayyyyyyy this is cutie 👍 —  Nikko
"We long to be here for a purpose, even though, despite much self-deception, none is evident."
Carl Sagan
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