Another Liar, uneek collab :) And yes, that bird is in fact very stupid.
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Ray Mortamour, Joe HF, Zakeena, Lunar Eclipse, Ruth Lesslie, OfC, xLitchi, ch1ris23, Zippy the Wonderslug, Anonymous, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Mouldy Sponge, thewalkingdude, magicalhobo, Stor, Ichiban Yada, Luna Sea, Lazarus, Liar, Nikko, and Anubis.
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its a B E A U TIFUL... morning just look at my front lawn.
Who would have guessed that Uneek and Liar make such an awesome team? Nice work. I vote that this is the next one to print and hang on the walls.
My sentiments exactly! :D
I know stor, it's such a refreshing sight, isn't it lol @Stor
@magicalhobo @Agent-Bunny Boy haha thnks. i will try to convince the people with the money to do so xD
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