We are living creatures in a living environment. We cannot live without and only have begun to understand the importance of all the details. Bees are a perfect example for symbiosis, they could not exist without plants feeding them (and the plants need them for reproduction). We humans benefit a lot from them too.
But still, we buy hybrid flowers without pollen, grown with lots of insectizides and plant them outside beneath short mowed lawn. Why do we think such sterile near-dead environment could be prettier than a complex vivid ecosystem?
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~moneywithptc~, ch1ris23, Joe HF, uneekL4evr, Jini, Aya Mulder, xLitchi, Ana, Luna Sea, Mouldy Sponge, Zippy the Wonderslug, Agent-Bunny-Boy, magicalhobo, Ichiban Yada, OfC, Papachan, Silenhalle, Ruth Lesslie, Zakeena, Ray Mortamour, Jakub, Nikko, and Elissa Matisse.
" Why do we think such sterile near-dead environment could be prettier than a complex vivid ecosystem? " I wonder the same
Ray Mortamour
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