Cute Rhino training to become a Unicorn >:}

Cute Rhino training to become a Unicorn >:}

Drawn by Agneta Juodenaite.


When i first saw this picture abotu 5 months ago i thougl i could use it while playiing Draw mything game but then i reconcider becouse it so detailed this is teh actual picture as a reference >> << I know my drawing isnt as good as the actual made but still enjoyed drawing it >:p

© 2013 Agneta Juodenaite. Licensed under CC-BY.

This is really cute. :) —  Unbreakable Wings
You made it look a bit more hopeful :D —  Lunar Eclipse
^.^ hehe maybe :) —  Agneta Juodenaite
Work hard to acomplish youre goals 😍 —  Agneta Juodenaite
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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