Restoration practice

Restoration practice

Drawn by Gibbermagash.

© 2018 Gibbermagash. Licensed under CC-BY.

Portrait Gentleman Painting Art Self portrait Modern art

looks good and wierd in the same time... you sure the proportions were correct around the ear and lower jaw? the left upper part of the pic looks fine though. —  Riff
Yeah the proportions are a bit off. The whole upper head is to far and up to the left. I didn't factor in the drift of the rip. I didn't notice it until the end. Next time I'll probably just focus on it in photoshop since it's easier to do that sort of move there. —  Gibbermagash
never mind that. it looks super good. I could never. 😳 —  Google User
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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