Please somebody help!!!

Please somebody help!!!

Drawn by Krissie.


I cannot do justice to my father's sunset photo. The clouds for example are awesome in the real deal.

© 2013 Krissie. Licensed under CC-BY.

@Gibber magash Thanks for the tips:) Take a look at the original photo and give it a go. —  Krissie
This is just incredible. All it needs is a little more aliens, penguins, bow ties and cowbells. :) —  Zippy the Wonderslug
that looks exactly like if you would be watching in real life!!!!!! :-) —  Keemo Nolen
@Zippy the Wonderslug @Keemo Nolen Thanks:) —  Krissie
x.x.x.x.xx i know you just ran away coz i kicked your butt ^_^ —  Javier
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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