Sketchport Comic 2.2

Sketchport Comic 2.2

Drawn by thewalkingdude. Part of the album SP Comic.


Things go from bad to worse. Bunny Boy's not looking too good, and the appearance of a certain carrot jailor. Uh Oh.. Thanks to Gibber for doing the lettering on this page.

© 2015 thewalkingdude. Licensed under CC-BY.

HAHA! Now I understabd why you asked that question at the time. xD —  Zakeena
Yes, the next page will have the dialogue on it that you came up with @Zakeena :p —  thewalkingdude
Whenever I find someone to do my lettering D:< —  thewalkingdude
you can do iiiiiiiiit! Yay! ;) —  Zakeena
:no: Writing with a mouse is the worst —  thewalkingdude
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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