The tower

The tower

Drawn by Mac W. using SketchPort for iPad. Part of the album Drawings.

© 2014 Mac W.. Licensed under CC-BY.

Thank you! I'm trying to create a simple yet compelling image. Also, I am trying out a few techniques I hope to combine in one image later on. —  Mac W.
I love this guitar. —  Gibbermagash
@M.Wild Good luck then in it to You ! sry i not saw your answer early. Good luck to you in everything ! —  Vomika
@gibbermagash It's a tower, not a guitar with a million frets. —  Mac W.
I can't get 9/11 out of my head when I see this and I'm not even American —  Voivodian
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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