I am haunted by nightmarish visions

I am haunted by nightmarish visions

Drawn by Young Werther for the I want a hug challenge and inspired by Sailor Moon.


Why doth thy haunt me, vile ghasts? Thy butts chill my very soul.

© 2014 Young Werther. Licensed under CC-BY.

Ghosts Ghasts Wraiths Spectres Nightmares Death Anxiety Butts

day 5... in the ghost house xD —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
benedict cumberbatch mixed up with edgar allan poe. under acid. —  Riff
@Liar Your drawings don't scare you. Now that's scary! :D —  Zippy the Wonderslug
thanks cutiepies —  Young Werther
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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