Drawn by Signe7542 and inspired by Google DeepDream, The Noisy Freaks, Steam Punk, Enigma of the Amigara Fault, Futuristic Swedish paintings, BEYONCÉ, Star Wars Trailer #2, Swedish paintings, Leonid Afremov, Tank girl, Bo en, Google DeepMind, Preservation, Ticonderoga pencils , Kendrick Lamar, Knut Andre Vikshåland , Tokyo Ghoul, Spodermen, Ansel Adams, Destiny, Saxophone Illusion, Sharon Weiser, Regrets, Meet Lubi - She's a talented illustrator, Rafflesia Arnoldii, Sillybilly60, Color mixing doohickey, The Birthday Massacre, Nintendo, Siggraph 2014, Pokémon, Thomas Scholes, and Salad Fingers. Part of the album My sketches .