Close Encounters of the Third Comb Jellyfish
Drawn by Joe HF for the Sea Creatures challenge. Part of the album Random Challenges.
I saw one of these on an Attenborough documentary, and was definitely expecting the theme from Close Encounters.
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Zippy the Wonderslug, meek, Papachan, Crevasse, lovehamburgers, xLitchi, Lunar Eclipse, ch1ris23, Vomika, Kassy, Luna Sea, Rebeccajj, Aya Mulder, Seraphiic, Hababoon, magicalhobo, uneekL4evr, Ana, Nikko, and Kube.
I just looked it up on YouTube... amazing!
Enigma - Encounters... sounds slowly like underwater , deep in ocean , i guess if cats have 9 lives , jellyfish have then 7
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