© 2015 Luna Sea.
Licensed under CC-BY.
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Jakub, Liar, Zakeena, nolli yacin, Erythrocyte ., uneekL4evr, Ray Mortamour, Rebeccajj, Mouldy Sponge, Papachan, Nikko, Lazarus, Crevasse, xLitchi, Agent-Bunny-Boy, آدم, Ichiban Yada, OfC, Ruth Lesslie, drawcula, Glow , mandy, Odin, Abbott, Maximus Renegade ..., Donkey, BufordComplex, and Slobby.
Show 2 older comments
Lovely ! Red rocks! And you rocks
This reminds me a lot of Anne Hale from Salem for some reason. OMG Luna you should watch Salem it's about witchhhhh
@Crevasse I watched half of the first season, it was pretty good. I have been meaning to finish it. Thanks!
Luna Sea
@Luna Sea Season 2 is much much better! And artistic too! You should try it! So gewd!!!
I will!
Luna Sea
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