HE'S A PRODUCT OF MY BRAIN LISTENING TO SWING AND STUFF LIKE THAT mmmm I wish I could draw girls rly good, I woulda made a flapper uwu
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OfC, Zakeena, Ichiban Yada, Luna Sea, magicalhobo, uneekL4evr, Nikko, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, Google User, C.C.C., Katykinzz, Google User, txtdog_exowolf6631, and shadow123123.
So, what's a flapper?
@magicalhobo of all people I thought you would know heh they're the sassy girls from the 1920's who finally showed girl power and stuff...but they're mostly know for their dancing and singing and drinking inmypointofview
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