#KeepThePeace #Ichmatsu #Osomatsu

#KeepThePeace #Ichmatsu #Osomatsu

Drawn by Google User for the #KeepThePeace challenge.


Hello this is my attempt of drawing ichimatsu and #keep the peace he has a cat on his head I don't know whose it is but yeah I hope you like it I tried hard on us like I do everything I draw I only knew it I did really try on this even though I'm new I am pretty good as it is what I would say I don't know if I'm as good as others but I think he can draw on this better than I can on Google whiteboard I think so I hope you like it and you read this and your friends with whole thing some of it may not make sense because my keyboard is broken but if you read it at all this um have a good day or night or evening I don't know but have fun thank you for reading if you did

© 2021 Google User. Licensed under CC-BY.

Liked by Google User and Google User.
SO AWESOME —  Google User
Thank you! —  Google User
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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