Sketchport Comic Page 11

Sketchport Comic Page 11

Drawn by thewalkingdude. Part of the album SP Comic.


Thanks to Gibber for adding the lettering on this one.

© 2015 thewalkingdude. Licensed under CC-BY.

lol I like it too bad there wasn't more. I'm sure they were just about to get to the litchis. —  thewalkingdude
Yes! There will most likely be more soon. :) it has been updated pretty decently since it's been added. —  Rebeccajj
Such a kewl comic. To bad I don't get points for lettering. —  Gibbermagash
Well if you really need the points @ºGibberellic Acidº I guess you can post the version before my final edit if you want. —  thewalkingdude
Naw it's cool, it would look out of place on my drawings page. You gave me credit for the work I've done so far. I just wish SP had extra built in functionality. —  Gibbermagash
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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