Kittitian Grass

Kittitian Grass

Drawn by uneekL4evr. Part of the album uneek's landscapes.


ehh, i could have done things to make this better but I haz no patience to give lol. Based on a photo I took while on vacation in St. Kitts. I think think the photo turned out pretty well seeing that i took it with my cell out of the window of a moving car lol. See it here!

© 2015 uneekL4evr. Licensed under CC-BY.

Grass Landscape

Uneek!!! This is very beautiful!!! :) :) :) —  Nikko
your great force it that you're able to recognize and use "true colors", i mean colors that make the scene reallistic. as usual, i'm oOo in front of this ^^ —  Riff
I liked especially the sky —  ~moneywithptc~
awesome! —  Ichiban Yada
"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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