

Drawn by Hababoon.


Saw a mime today.. :no: I dislike mimes

© 2013 Hababoon. Licensed under CC-BY.

Why you don't like them? —  xLitchi
@xLitchi I'm all for performance art, I was just grumpy yesterday, I think lol. The mime was really creepy and he tried to put me in his imaginary box. I went off on him and said "NO ONE WANTS YOUR BOX". Kinda, felt bad xD So I doodled. —  Hababoon
Ooh ok ! I saw one in my life but i was too young to remember :p I would love to see some but they don't exist here, i guess it's illegal lol. Hahah '' No one wants your box '' that was mean xD. Anyway, really a nice doodle :p I love it ! —  xLitchi
Ooh mimes o: Next time you come to India, bring one along and dump em off :D This is awesome btw. —  Jini
Lolol @Jini OK I will, we shall see how much he/she likes it inside a real box! Mwhahaha! xD —  Hababoon
"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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