Vampire fruit bats

Vampire fruit bats

Drawn by Zweby.


Funfact: The word coconut comes from the word head or skull. It was named this because the fruit seemed to resembled a face. NOW HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT ALL THOSE POOR COCONUTS YOU'VE HAMMERED TO DEATH!?

© 2014 Zweby. Licensed under CC-BY.

I feel like.........THEY WERE STILL DELICIOUS xD —  uneekL4evr
I feel like cracking a skull open would be much easier than cracking a coconut open. And also that they are delicious. —  magicalhobo
Omg you guys are pure evil! Settle your coconutbloodlust, there's one right here! And since I don't know exactly how hard it is to crack a skull, I'll have to agree with you on that Magicalhobo... xD —  Zweby
"We long to be here for a purpose, even though, despite much self-deception, none is evident."
Carl Sagan
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